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Reliability test


Reliability Test

Key words�
Reliability test is a generic term for the work carried out for knowing, analyzing, raising and evaluating the reliability of product. The main purpose and function of test are specified as follows. 
A.Find out the defects and faults of product with regard to design, components, parts, raw material and process; 
B.Verify if the developed and produced products are in compliance with the requirements of reliability; 
C.Provide information on evaluating and improving product reliability; 
Reliability test can generally be divided into engineering test and statistical test. Engineering test aims at exposing the product’s defects, weak links and faults in terms of design, process, components, raw material and other aspects and at providing information on raising product reliability. Statistical test aims at verifying if the product meets the stipulated reliability or service life; 
Reliability engineering test and statistical test can be subdivide as per the following figure.
The purpose, applicable target and suitable time for all the tests are shown in the following table.

Type of test

Purpose of test

Applicable target

Suitable time

Environmental Stress Screening(ESS)

Find out and remove early fault born of the defect due to the introduction of defective components, manufacturing process and other causes;

Mainly applicable to electronic products; also applicable to electrical, electromechanical, photoelectric and electrochemical products;

The research stage and production stage of product

Reliability Development Test (RDT)

By exerting suitable environmental stress and working load on product, find out the product’s design defect to improve design and the product’s intrinsic reliability level;

Applicable to electronic, electrical, electromechanical, photoelectric, electrochemical and mechanical products;

The early and medium term for the research and development of products;

Reliability Growth Test (RGT)

By exerting comprehensive environmental stress of the simulated real environment, expose the product’s latent defects and take corrective measures to enable the product’s reliability to meet the stipulated requirement;

Applicable to electronic, electrical, electromechanical, photoelectric, electrochemical and mechanical products;

The medium term for product research and development; the product’s technical status is mostly finalized;

Reliability Qualification Test (RQT)

Verify if the developed products can meet the stipulated requirements on reliability;

Applicable to electronic, electrical, electromechanical, photoelectric, electrochemical products and success or failure products;

Product design confirmation, namely the stage of design finalization; to be conducted after the product has passed the environmental stress screening and the environmental laboratory test;

Reliability Acceptance Test (RAT)

Verify if the products turned out in volume production can meet the stipulated requirements on reliability;

Applicable to electronic, electrical, electromechanical, photoelectric, electrochemical products and success or failure products;

During the volume production of products;

Life Test (LT)

Test the product’s service life or storage life in the stipulated condition;

Applicable to products that have requirements on service life and storage life;

During product’s design finalization;